Integration Moneybird

31-05-2024 | News

Lightning Checkout integrates Moneybird

Recently, we launched Bitcoin Invoice, and today we’re taking it a step further by bridging the gap to the current financial world and accounting software. From now on, you can seamlessly integrate Bitcoin payments with your Moneybird invoicing package through Bitcoin Invoice.

This marks a significant moment for both the Bitcoin and accounting industries, opening new possibilities for entrepreneurs eager to embrace the currency of the future. The integration brings numerous advantages for both Bitcoin enthusiasts and business professionals:

  • Fast and Efficient: Thanks to Lightning Checkout, business users can now accept Bitcoin payments with unprecedented speed and efficiency, avoiding long wait times and high transaction costs.
  • Transparent Accounting: All invoices are seamlessly recorded in the current administration, automatically including a Bitcoin payment link on the invoice in Moneybird, reducing administrative hassles for entrepreneurs.
  • Expansion of Customer Base: This integration provides customers with more payment options, potentially increasing customer satisfaction, especially for those who prefer Bitcoin payments.


The integration with Lightning Checkout is now available for all business users utilizing Moneybird. To activate this, follow a few simple steps after registering with Lightning Checkout:

  • Generate an API key in the Moneybird environment.
  • Register a webhook via the Lightning Checkout portal using your API key and administration ID.
  • Add the default payment link with the addition of the invoice number variable to the payment information on your invoices and communications.

By linking the webhook with our portal, a Bitcoin payment link will now be automatically generated when an invoice is finalized. Additionally, the invoice will be updated if modified. If a payment is reported in Moneybird, it will also be reflected in our portal.

Unfortunately, automatic booking of Bitcoin payments in Moneybird is not yet possible, as the standardization of processing Bitcoin payments in accounting software has not progressed enough.

Through this integration, accepting Bitcoin becomes even easier for entrepreneurs without additional effort. Currently, we are exploring possibilities for integrating with other accounting software. If you have suggestions, feel free to contact us.

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